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Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies
ISSN : 26226138     EISSN : 26226146     DOI : 10.21580
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies, ISSN 2477-8117 (e) 2477-8109 (p) is published by the Arabic Language Learning Department, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Kependidikan, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang. This journal focuses on theories and thoughts on Arabic studies in general. This journal specializes in Arabic language learning, and theories. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 12 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 2 (2020)" : 12 Documents clear
Al-Kafa’ah al-Ta‘līmiyyah Laday Mu‘allimiy al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah wa Atharuhā ‘ala Natā’ij Ta‘allum al-Ṭalabah al-Jāmi‘ah Rokhman, Imam Athoir
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.5251


This study aims to discuss the correlation between pedagogic competence of lecturer of Arabic language especially lecturer who tries competence of language material with student learning result in Arabic language departement, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. In this study researchers used a quantitative approach and this type of research is descriptive and correlation. Instruments used in data collection are interviews, observations, questionnaires and documents. The result of the research is pedagogic competence of lecturer of language competence which includes on the ability of learning method development, implementation in learning process and implementation of evaluation is in good and based on the data analysis that has been done by the researcher showed that the condition of pedagogic competence of lecturer of language competence influence the student learning result, it is based on result of t test which amounted to 9,548 with result of sig 0,000 and t value (9,548) t table (); it can be concluded that ho is rejected and ha is accepted.
Kajian Linguistik Modern Strukturalis dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Rizki, Restu Budiansyah
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.4968


Today's modern linguistic ideas seem very hot to be discussed on the conference stages. Its presence has brought fresh air for language and education activists. Not without reason, linguistics has contributed in breaking down various aspects of linguistic material to be transformed into foreign language learning, one of which is Arabic. this has been seen with the existence of a rainbow of linguistic studies in various lines of discussion. Call it one of the most famous modern linguistic studies today is structuralism. Structuralism tries to present a language lens that suppresses aspects of behaviorism and sees that language is obtained because of a trigger factor or continuous training. The method presented in this research is entitled library research. So that the data obtained comes from theories which in their discussion address structuralist modern linguistic studies and foreign language learning. The results showed that the realm of structuralist modern linguistics is very suitable to be applied in foreign language learning, one of which is Arabic. The suitability of these applications can be echoed by the following steps, including 1) practice repeating utterances in Arabic which can have an impact on students' habit of speaking in Arabic, 2) changing the type of sentence between isim or fi'il, 3) expansion exercises meaning in sentences with different patterns, and 4) connecting exercises.
Pengembangan Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Arab di Pondok Pesantren Khusnah, Ni'mah Ziyadatul; Kholisin, Kholisin; Nasih, Ahmad Munjin
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.4802


This study discusses the development of extracurricular activities in Arabic at Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School, Paiton-Probolinggo, which includes: 1) Types of activities, 2) Planning activities, 3) Implementation of activities, and 4) Evaluating activities. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. The qualitative data in this study included extracurricular activities in Arabic. The data sources of this research are the core management and students in the LPBA. The instrument is the researcher himself (human instrument). Data collection was obtained through the results of distributing questionnaires, interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed a number of things, namely (1) twelve extracurricular activities attended by students at ula and wushta levels with the hope that students often get used to listening to hiwar or Arabic conversations from native Arabs, and can apply them in daily conversations. day (2) Planning activities consist of student organizations, curriculum, schedule arrangements, activity themes, and regulations, (3) This activity is carried out every night after teaching and learning activities (KBM) and Friday from morning to evening, and (4) Evaluation of this activity is carried out once a month with the aim of finding solutions to problems experienced by students.
Analisis Semantik Kata Dla‘īf dalam Surah An-Nisa Ayat 28 dan Surah Ar-Rum Ayat 54 Agustin, Karunia Kholifah Dini
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.5915


God created human beings along with their diverse traits and characters which have pivotal roles in driving them to do self-reflection to become better human beings blessed by God. In the Qur'an, Allah not only described the good characters and personalities that humans had, but also the bad ones hated by Him. The purpose of this research was to further reveal the meaning of Annisa verse 28 and Ar-rum verse 54 to avoid any mistakes in the interpretation of word dla‘īf located in different surah. This type of research was descriptive qualitative with literature review data collection techniques. Data analysis was conducted by reducing data, presenting it and drawing conclusions. From the results of this study, it was found that in the Qur'an there were many terms or words that were the same but had different meanings as was the case with the word dla‘īf in Annisa verse 28 and Ar-rum verse 54. In Surah Annisa the word dla‘īf was interpreted as a mental sate of faint-hearted person, whereas in surah Ar-rum was interpreted as a human weakness in terms of both physical and non-physical condition. The absence of balance in humans’ life can drive them to behave badly.
Implementasi Media Audio-Visual dalam Pembelajaran Istima‘ Sari, Rizka; Muassomah, M
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.4961


Listening is a basic human ability which is possessed from the beginning of his birth until throughout his life. However, at the level of language learning there is a low level of student interest in learning specifically. For this reason, this study aims to describe the process of implementing the Audio-visual method in special learning for third-semester students of Arabic education at the Bani Fatah Islamic Institute in Jombang. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study using observation and documentation instruments. The subject and object of this research are the third semester students of Arabic education at the Bani Fatah Islamic Institute in Jombang. The results of this study indicate, istima 'learning process with audio-visual methods that have been arranged very well, namely: a) lecturer planning by preparing appropriate material b) students listening to the video being watched c) students write mufrodat known based on video d) students conclude the story in the video using Arabic e) students take wisdom from the video watched f) evaluation in this study is divided into two: first, written evaluation (students collect mufrodat notes of listening results), second , oral evaluation (students directly speak Arabic in giving conclusions and lessons from the video). In implementing learning specifically using this audio-visual method, it has changed the atmosphere of learning more interesting and increased the activeness of students in learning.
Istikhdām Lu‘bah Thu‘bān wa Sullam li Tarqiyyati Raghbati Ta‘allumi al-Qiraati wa Injāzihi fi al-Madrasati al-Mutawāsiṭati Habibah, Umi; Mawanti, Dwi; Zuhruddin, Achmad
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.4215


This research aims to calculate the pupils’ desire and achievement in learning to read among those who use the snake and ladder game and those who do not use it in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kudus for the academic year 2019-2020. Based on the number of students in the school, we preferred two classes, the eighth - a experimental group, and the eighth - b as a control group for the purpose of experimental research. The methods used to collect data are observation, interview, documentation, questionnaire, and testing. The results of this research indicated that teaching reading skill using this game is better than without it, so that the average grade for the experimental semester is 85.69 and the average grade for the control class is 79.72. To test the hypothesis, I got t calculation = 5,209 compared to -table t = 1,9944. The mean is higher in the experimental group than in the control group. This means that there is a big difference in learning to read after and without using this game. As for the result of the questionnaire, it indicated that the desire to read using this game is 55% to 92.75%, an increase of 37.75%, and the researcher is sure that the result is high between the pre and post test. It can be concluded that using the game Ular Tangga is suitable for promoting students' desire and achievement in learning to read.
Analisis Semantik Kata Dla‘īf dalam Surah An-Nisa Ayat 28 dan Surah Ar-Rum Ayat 54 Karunia Kholifah Dini Agustin
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.5915


God created human beings along with their diverse traits and characters which have pivotal roles in driving them to do self-reflection to become better human beings blessed by God. In the Qur'an, Allah not only described the good characters and personalities that humans had, but also the bad ones hated by Him. The purpose of this research was to further reveal the meaning of Annisa verse 28 and Ar-rum verse 54 to avoid any mistakes in the interpretation of word dla‘īf located in different surah. This type of research was descriptive qualitative with literature review data collection techniques. Data analysis was conducted by reducing data, presenting it and drawing conclusions. From the results of this study, it was found that in the Qur'an there were many terms or words that were the same but had different meanings as was the case with the word dla‘īf in Annisa verse 28 and Ar-rum verse 54. In Surah Annisa the word dla‘īf was interpreted as a mental sate of faint-hearted person, whereas in surah Ar-rum was interpreted as a human weakness in terms of both physical and non-physical condition. The absence of balance in humans’ life can drive them to behave badly.
Implementasi Media Audio-Visual dalam Pembelajaran Istima‘ Rizka Sari; M Muassomah
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.4961


Listening is a basic human ability which is possessed from the beginning of his birth until throughout his life. However, at the level of language learning there is a low level of student interest in learning specifically. For this reason, this study aims to describe the process of implementing the Audio-visual method in special learning for third-semester students of Arabic education at the Bani Fatah Islamic Institute in Jombang. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study using observation and documentation instruments. The subject and object of this research are the third semester students of Arabic education at the Bani Fatah Islamic Institute in Jombang. The results of this study indicate, istima 'learning process with audio-visual methods that have been arranged very well, namely: a) lecturer planning by preparing appropriate material b) students listening to the video being watched c) students write mufrodat known based on video d) students conclude the story in the video using Arabic e) students take wisdom from the video watched f) evaluation in this study is divided into two: first, written evaluation (students collect mufrodat notes of listening results), second , oral evaluation (students directly speak Arabic in giving conclusions and lessons from the video). In implementing learning specifically using this audio-visual method, it has changed the atmosphere of learning more interesting and increased the activeness of students in learning.
Istikhdām Lu‘bah Thu‘bān wa Sullam li Tarqiyyati Raghbati Ta‘allumi al-Qiraati wa Injāzihi fi al-Madrasati al-Mutawāsiṭati Umi Habibah; Dwi Mawanti; Achmad Zuhruddin
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.4215


This research aims to calculate the pupils’ desire and achievement in learning to read among those who use the snake and ladder game and those who do not use it in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kudus for the academic year 2019-2020. Based on the number of students in the school, we preferred two classes, the eighth - a experimental group, and the eighth - b as a control group for the purpose of experimental research. The methods used to collect data are observation, interview, documentation, questionnaire, and testing. The results of this research indicated that teaching reading skill using this game is better than without it, so that the average grade for the experimental semester is 85.69 and the average grade for the control class is 79.72. To test the hypothesis, I got t calculation = 5,209 compared to -table t = 1,9944. The mean is higher in the experimental group than in the control group. This means that there is a big difference in learning to read after and without using this game. As for the result of the questionnaire, it indicated that the desire to read using this game is 55% to 92.75%, an increase of 37.75%, and the researcher is sure that the result is high between the pre and post test. It can be concluded that using the game Ular Tangga is suitable for promoting students' desire and achievement in learning to read.
Al-Kafa’ah al-Ta‘līmiyyah Laday Mu‘allimiy al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah wa Atharuhā ‘ala Natā’ij Ta‘allum al-Ṭalabah al-Jāmi‘ah Imam Athoir Rokhman
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/alsina.2.2.5251


This study aims to discuss the correlation between pedagogic competence of lecturer of Arabic language especially lecturer who tries competence of language material with student learning result in Arabic language departement, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. In this study researchers used a quantitative approach and this type of research is descriptive and correlation. Instruments used in data collection are interviews, observations, questionnaires and documents. The result of the research is pedagogic competence of lecturer of language competence which includes on the ability of learning method development, implementation in learning process and implementation of evaluation is in good and based on the data analysis that has been done by the researcher showed that the condition of pedagogic competence of lecturer of language competence influence the student learning result, it is based on result of t test which amounted to 9,548 with result of sig 0,000 and t value (9,548) t table (); it can be concluded that ho is rejected and ha is accepted.

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